经典视频回顾:怀缅Lewis Marnell 「5 Incher」个人片段

作者: trash 发表于: 2016-01-19 评论: 0 查看: 0

虽然Lewis Marnell 已经与世长辞,但是他的精神却永远陪伴着每一名滑手。让我们一同来回顾下他在影片「5 Incher」中的个人表现,不分正反脚的动作,超高和远距离的Fs Kickflip,面对别人拿到威胁却从容面对的反应...R.I.P,天堂不会有疾病的困扰!

As long as we have the great memories, Lewis will always be with us. Let's take a moment to enjoy one of his best video parts. RIP in Peace, brother.

来源: thrasher
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