Van Doren Invitational 亨廷顿2015:碗池男子组决赛

作者: trash 发表于: 2015-08-03 评论: 0 查看: 0

Van Doren Invitational 亨廷顿今年的碗池男子组决赛十分精彩,看点有Gregson &Hatchell 巫师般的动作, Pedro & Russell 结实的肌肉,Raven & Ronnie 的经典风格,甚至连Christian Hosoi 也亲临现场!当然,观众席上波涛汹涌的景色也是每年的亮点。

These finals had everything – Gregson and Hatchell's tech wizardry, Pedro and Russell's muscle, Raven and Ronnie's classic flow, Raybourn's eclectic bag of tricks ... hell, Christian Hosoi was even in there! Watch this twice then go learn eggplants.

来源: thrasher
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