Vagabond队伍2015「Hobo Daze Road Trip」影片发布

作者: Vagabond 发表于: 2015-07-31 评论: 0 查看: 0

当大部分人低著头忙着刷各种社交网络,围绕屏幕上的那个朋友圈点点赞评评论的时候,在南方有那么几个滑手,在今年5月初的时候驱车从深圳前往海南岛展开了一个10天的公路之旅!在他们的生活里没有涨停和Duang这些词汇,不穿制服,更没有朝九晚五!别人眼里他们可能是个另类,或者是一群永远长不大还玩着滑板的2B青年!他们是这个社会上极细小的一个群体,他们有着不一样的目标,他们眼里的成功就是获得赞助商的认可,获得赞助拿着一份代言合同,领着白领的薪水顶着社会上的各种压力继续坚持自己所爱的运动!追求着那种只有这少数族群才了解的自由和乐趣!为了追寻新的滑板和冲浪地点,和志同道合的朋友们一起走在路上体验生活才是他们的理想人生!踏着滑板穿州过省已成为他们的生活方式 ,或者可以解释为这就是他们的工作,街道就是他们的办公室,滑板跳起至落地成功动作的喜悦,或是成功追浪的激情只有体验过人才能了解那种令人上瘾 的毒!


  关于流浪日(about hobo daze):
“流浪日” “Hobo Daze” 活动由Vagabond Skateboards创办于2011年。是一个集滑板,冲浪,远足和露营和在户外度过的周末, 每年聚集来自世界各地的朋友和Vagabond Skateboards 的大家庭一起享受一个无拘无束的周末,并希望通过“流浪日”活动让大家重新认识生活的简单和纯朴。

Vagabond Skateboards presents “Hobo Daze” road trip is supported by: Vans, Volcom, North Face, Urban, Vice. This trip consists: Cyres Wong(王汇丰), Jay Meador, Eddie Lai(赖伟), Elliott Zelinskas, and new member Dars(李健). When most people head down busy brush various social networks around the little circle of friends getting more likes and comments on the screen, there are few skateboarders gather in southern china and started a 10 days road trip from Shenzhen to Hai Nan in early May this year. These guys never had to wear uniforms, never had a nine to five job! Other people might think these guys are a group of kids that never grew up. They are a small group in the society, they have a very different goal, the success in their eyes is to get sponsors recognized, traveling with friends and teammate finding the untouched skate spots to challenge themselves. Streets are their office, getting tricks is their job. While they are out there having fun and enjoying life. Most of people out there are working on a job that they never like, having a huge loan needed to pay back. Can’t really get a day off, never slow down to enjoy their life. We think life can be simpler, you don’t need to be a millionaire to be happy, having friends that had comment with and doing what you like to do, and really spending time with friends and family that’s happiness to us. We hope to inspire you through our journey.

来源: Vagabond
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