
作者: ridechannel 发表于: 2015-07-27 评论: 0 查看: 0

一切事物都并非永恒的,彼此之间都有着一定的联系并且相互影响着。无论是历史,城市,还是滑手,都有着一种微妙的关联。Luka Bizjak 滑在斯罗维尼亚街头,黑白的画风,电影般的宽幕,柔情的音乐,这一切仿佛都是自由的象征,唯美得让人窒息。

Nothing is intact or permanent, everything is affected and connected—the history, the city and the rider. Just as the city left a mark on the rider, he leaves a mark on the city even if just for a split second. The wet trail of wheels on pavement after skidding through a puddle on a rainy day, the sound of the skateboard against granite echoing through the alleys and streets and his shadow spreading from one building to another until he reaches the river. The reflection in the river follows him along its banks and over the bridge where the scattered leaves on the sidewalk swirl and dance for a moment after he rides through them and then staying, peaceful, like nothing ever happened but at the same time everything has changed. Even if you think you didn't notice him, you can almost taste the lingering freedom in the air. Like a signature, a rider leaves his mark—on the streets and in people's memories. A signature of freedom.

来源: Ride Channel
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