
作者: 发表于: 2015-06-18 评论: 0 查看: 0


来自斯洛文尼亚的电影人Kristijan Stramic用这部黑白影像作品 “signature” 来诠释他对滑板与城市之间的关系的定义,有些人在城市中处处留情,而滑板人则在城市之中留下自己的签名。

Skateboarding is a spectacle whether you’re on the board or off of it. The searing sound of four wheels tearing through the concrete, skipping up curbs and weaving through the crowd is a momentary impression in which both the witness and the skater engage. In this way, a skateboarder is leaving his or her “signature” on the city terrain by interpreting the cityscape as they feel appropriate. This is the basic artistic tenet of street skateboarding, which despite a creative rhetoric is generally confined to the same visual representation. Here Slovenian filmmaker Kristijan Stramic adds a new perspective to the canon while capturing skateboarder Luka Bizjak skating his local city. Using various removed filming techniques, Stramic does well to set the context of the city, while Bizjak leaves his mark.

来源: 中国滑板网
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