CONS 四城滑板事--Aaron Herrington带你逛纽约

作者: 发表于: 2015-05-29 评论: 0 查看: 0

CONVERSE出品--四城滑板事,游走波士顿、多伦多、洛杉矶和纽约,聚焦滑板群体与滑板环境,本集呈现 CONS滑手Aaron Herrington带你逛逛纽约最好的滑板地点、滑板店。

Tale of Four Cities explores the skate communities within the four cities that CONS Project takes place– Boston, Toronto, Los Angeles and New York. This film follows CONS skate ambassador Aaron Herrington while he visits some of New York’s best skate spots, shops, hangouts, and the community surrounding them.

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