概念短片--Trick Meter滑板就是一座跳不出的迷城

作者: 发表于: 2015-05-28 评论: 0 查看: 0

滑板影视作品从来就不会缺少创意,这部概念之作Trick Meter可以说结合了梦境、悬疑和游戏的诸多元素,其内涵可以说见仁见智,而于部分人而言,滑板就像一座跳不出的迷城!

This piece of visual creativity rules. Hidden in the darkest back streets of major cities, you may find an urban phenomena – the Trick Meter. Skate by one late at night and you could find yourself locked into a do or die trick session.

来源: skatedaily
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