Santa Cruz欢迎Josh Borden惊喜派对视频

作者: 发表于: 2015-05-06 评论: 0 查看: 0

昨天看过了Josh Borden的一段让人身临其境的个人滑板短片之后,今天再为大家放送一段惊喜视频,在滑手Omar Hassan家的后院碗池,庆祝Josh正式成为 风格滑板品牌Santa Cruz旗下PRO滑手。

This past Saturday, Santa Cruz skateboards turned SoCal ripper Josh Borden pro with a surprise party at Omar Hassan’s backyard pool in Costa Mesa, CA. It was also Josh’s birthday so lots of his friends and family were there to celebrate along with legends like Lance Mountain, Jeff Grosso, Salba, Dressen, Steve Olson and more. Doesn’t get much better than that. Congrats Josh! Check the photos!

来源: TWS
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