Cliché 滑板影片「Gypsy Life」Max Geronzi 个人部分发布

作者: Trash 发表于: 2015-04-18 评论: 0 查看: 0

Max Geronzi 滑板给人的感觉就是仿佛他是 Lucas Puig 的首席弟子一样。这段于法国拍摄的Cliché 滑板影片「Gypsy Life」,让我们看到了他的控板实力,似乎在板面上他就可以随心所欲地做招。这个小伙子的前途绝对一片光明!

This part gives you the feeling you're watching a young disciple of Lucas Puig. Another stylish street pirate from the south of France, Max can seemingly make the board do anything he desires. We can't wait to see more of this dude in the future. Cheers!

来源: Thrasher
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