
作者: landyachtzlongboards 发表于: 2015-04-15 评论: 0 查看: 0

台湾,典型的热带气候小岛,拥有着让滑板人无法想象却又十分憧憬的地形。那里山林密集,道路蜿蜒而曲折,对于长板来说简直就是冲山的天堂。 Landyachtz 为大家呈现的超唯美记录片,滑板&探索台湾,为大家挖掘当地城市的地形以及山区仙境。

Taiwan is the 4th most mountainous islands in the world. Tropical climate, millions of people, deep history, and some of craziest paved roads you can imagine. Watch as the crew explore the massive city sprawl of Taipei and then venture deep into the countryside mountains where no one has skated before.

来源: landyachtzlongboards
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