Red Bull出品英国滑手Chris Oliver最新滑板短片

作者: 发表于: 2015-04-10 评论: 0 查看: 0

或许Chris Oliver对大多数滑手而言并非耳熟能详,但是他在英国滑板圈中的名气可不小,即便是这段在其膝盖严重受伤后拍摄的视频也能让你见识他异于常人的天赋。

Chroliver – what a dude. Strangely, even though he is now one of the seasoned names in the British skateboard scene, Chris is always associated in the mind’s eye with being the enfant terrible skate rat of his youth. Almost freakily talented, a serious knee injury early on seemed to mean he would not fully realise his potential and yet he has done just that, as if the pain had never occurred.

来源: Red Bull
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