Ben Raybourn & Jaws最新骚魂板场滑板短片

作者: 发表于: 2015-03-20 评论: 0 查看: 0

Independent Blow'n Up The Spot栏目最新一期由Ben Raybourn和 Aaron “Jaws” Homoki为今年的 Tampa Pro拍摄的最新板场短片,看看他们是怎么玩转佛罗里达的Lakeland滑板场,极尽能事的耍宝和各种前所未见的销魂板姿。

Ben Raybourn and Aaron “Jaws” Homoki are out in Lakeland, Florida gearing up for Tampa 2015! Hit the Lakeland park with Ben and Jaws while they shred through the heat. Check the action at Tampa Pro this weekend!

来源: skatedaily
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