Bryce Mandel 个人视频 「Baby Halloween」发布

作者: FNG 发表于: 2015-03-09 评论: 0 查看: 0

在这些天网上发布的视频中,Bryce Mandel 的个人片段「Baby Halloween」算得上精彩!他到美国几个主要的滑板地形取景拍摄,滑稽而不失技术的风格让人印象深刻。Enjoy!

One of the best video parts surfaced on the Internet in the last days. Bryce Mandel skates around several major U.S. cities with his impressive mix of fun and technical style. Put together by Waylon Bone (currently wotking on the next video after the really good “Boneyards”).

来源: FNG
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