Bones Wheels滑板团队集体外出杀地形

作者: 发表于: 2015-03-06 评论: 0 查看: 0

SPoT Lifers此番带领大名鼎鼎的Bones Wheels滑板团队出行,从碗池、沟渠到Double Set,有Jordan Hoffart, Kevin Romar, Ryan Decenzo和Trevor McClung这几位猛将在就不会让人失望!

The SPoT Lifers head our West for a day of backyard bowl, ditch, and double set skating with an insane squad of rippers from the Bones Wheels team. Check SPoTTampa.com for more and follow @SPoTTampa and @BonesWheels on Instagram and Twitter.

来源: RIDE Channel
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