Adidas滑手集体为Boost The Bar大绝招巡回赛造势

作者: 发表于: 2015-03-05 评论: 0 查看: 0

Adidas招集旗下滑手集体为今年即将举办的Aadidas Skate Copa活动造势,今年的活动将是以名为Boost The Bar的大绝招比赛为主,一个全新设计的道具将带着这一活动在北美多站巡回,洛杉矶Westchester Skate Plaza板场的首站活动将于本周六揭幕。

In tandem with this year’s Skate Copa, adidas introduces #BoostTheBar —a best trick contest held on a custom built bump-to-bar obstacle that’s open to everyone to skate. With cash prizes and Boost prize packs up for grabs, Boost The Bar is going down at every #adidasSkateCopa stop in North America with the first stop happening this Saturday at Noon at the Westchester Skate Plaza in LA.

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