Deathwish 团队东海岸 「Let It Be Known」Tour

作者: Trash 发表于: 2015-02-28 评论: 0 查看: 0

Deathwish 团队开启了一场历时许久的东海岸之旅,他们参观了那边最棒的滑板店以及品尝了当地一些最狂野的地形。Neen, Kirby, Ellington, Valdez, Slash以及Dickson都是插了翅膀的滑手,他们的动作不是怒射就是飞得十分的高远...

The Deathwish team makes a long-overdue trip back East – busting out for the best shops and getting tested on some of that East Coast crust. Neen, Kirby, Ellington, Valdez, Slash and Dickson share the love and bring the pain.

来源: Thrasher
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