
作者: Skateboarding Mag 发表于: 2015-02-07 评论: 0 查看: 0

Levi’s板场修建计划这次帮助位于美国西部的奥克兰港口城市修建一座属于当地滑板人士的小镇板场。在Keith “K-Dub” Williams的推动下,这次的计划得以顺利实施,当地的滑手们都亲自参与板场道具的修建,并且将拍摄的过程录成一段故事,将会于2月10号在洛杉矶上映。

While filming the recent Levi’s Skateboarding build project at Town Park in West Oakland, CA, some of the Levi’s posse took some time to get more of the parks story from the man who started it all, Keith “K-Dub” Williams. Join Levi’s next Tuesday night, February 10th, at the Silent Movie Theater located at 611 North Fairfax Avenue in Los Angeles for the premier of LEVI’S SKATEBOARDING IN OAKLAND. 7-10pm. The screening starts promptly at 8pm.

来源: Skateboarding Mag
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