经典回顾: Ryan Smith个人视频「Dying To Live」

作者: Trash 发表于: 2015-01-29 评论: 0 查看: 0

回顾经典视频的意义除了重温那些片段以外,更重要的是要和大家介绍一些已经在屏幕上消失许久的狠角色。Ryan Smith这段Zero「Dying To Live」个人视频发布于2002年,你所看到的就是紧凑的刷大杆,劈大街,刷大杆,劈大街的动作,如今看起来仍然回味无穷。

The whole point of Classics is to revisit sick parts as well as introduce them to skaters who never saw them the first time. Ryan's footage has aged well and he's even gnarlier than we remember. Here's his part from the 2002 Zero vid.

来源: Thrasher
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