Berrics YOUnited Nations 4获胜团队Tetra加州公费滑板之旅影片

作者: 发表于: 2015-01-08 评论: 0 查看: 0

早前获胜YOUnited Nations 4的滑板团队TETRA Team再拿到洛杉矶之旅的全程费用后自然开心的跑去拍摄了,这部Travelogu完整的记录了,滑手们在旅途中的收获,前后两部分不要错过!

What’s it like to win YOUnited Nations 4 and get an all-expense paid trip to LA with your entire crew to film a United Nations? Tetra documented the entire experience to let you see first-hand.

来源: Berrics
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