Blind滑手Yuri Facchini探索西班牙完美滑板新地形

作者: 发表于: 2015-01-05 评论: 0 查看: 0

众所周知西班牙的滑板地形多而完美,尽管巴塞罗那首当其冲但是其他城市显然也不是等闲之辈,Blind滑手Yuri Facchini, Neverton Casella等此番带你看看西班牙第五大城市萨拉戈萨和港口毕尔巴鄂那些令人难以置信的滑板地点!

You know Spain has serious spots. And though Barcelona has long been the country's highest-profile skate destination, its other cities have a lot to offer, too. Roll through Zaragoza and Bilbao with Blind rider Yuri Facchini, Neverton Casella, and more. Check out the incredible terrain, and then plan your next skate vacation accordingly.

来源: theridechannel
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