新生代滑手Franky Villani全新个人滑板短片“November”

作者: 发表于: 2014-12-30 评论: 0 查看: 0

90后新生代滑手Franky Villani发布个人最新滑板视频“November”,在这个时代想要脱颖而出实非易事,Franky这种“破破烂烂”的STYLE辨识度还是相当之高,试试看你会不会记住他!

There are a lot of dudes out there shredding these days, so it takes a little extra to make a mark. Franky rips, and has an approach all his own. Cheers to another offering for the Skate Gods.

来源: thrashermagazine
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