Tired 滑板最新影片「The Tired Video」发布

作者: Ride Channel 发表于: 2014-12-27 评论: 0 查看: 0

Tired Skateboards最新影片「The Tired Video」正式发布,该影片收录了许多像Eric Koston这样的传奇滑手的练习片段。他们当中有些曾经为滑板着迷,但是因为现实因素而中途放弃;有些仍然为滑板事业而奋斗。不变的是对滑板的热情不曾退却,正如正在坚持滑板的大家一样,共勉!

Some of us had it, then lost it. Most of us never had it, but still love it. This video is for you... and you too. Welcome to the team.

来源: Ride Channel
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