Chad Muska赴墨西哥庆首家Supra专卖店开业

作者: 发表于: 2014-12-15 评论: 0 查看: 0

潮流滑板鞋品牌Supra旗下代表滑手Chad Muska赴墨西哥为当地开设的第一家Supra专卖店剪彩,同时还专门设计和制作了一座全新的滑板道具,想一叹究竟就跟随视频一起去看看吧!

Inspired by Mexico’s ancient temples and the culture that created them, Chad Muska designed a custom sculpture to reflect the city’s rich, artistic history while also representing skateboarding and the streets. After a brief test ride in a local park with Spencer Hamilton and Supra Mexico’s skate team, the sculpture, titled “El Sol, La Luna, Y Más Allá” was brought to the the store where it will reside permanently.

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