King of the Road 2014—第十集

作者: Trash 发表于: 2014-12-13 评论: 0 查看: 0

King of the Road 2014已经接近尾声,但是狂躁却没有止步。Game of skate要讲求公平,于是Curren负重让体重与肥Bob持衡!Nyjah Huston说越危险的闪电杆越是让他的征服欲膨胀,看看真男人Nyjah重摔后仍然爬起来继续拼搏的精神!

As the teams converge in their final city, Curren battles Fat Bob, Smolik flexes his tech and Nyjah tackles two of the most hectic kinkers you'll ever see. Only one more episode before the winners are announced Saturday night!

来源: Thrasher
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