Almost Famous Ep. 24-Mini Ramp上的疯子Daewon Song

作者: Ride Channel 发表于: 2014-12-03 评论: 0 查看: 0

地球上已经没有人可以阻止Chris Haslam和Daewon Song玩Mini Ramp了,尤其是神级男子Daewon已经达到了登峰造极的境界,他甚至把两块板搭起来玩享受双重的乐趣。当然视频中后段Youness的个人表现及Haslam的飞檐走壁也是相当刺激。

Daewon shows two boards are twice the fun. Youness in B&W. Girl park fun with Haslam and Daewon. Then Daewon NBD's the hell out of the Dwindle mini ramp.

来源: Ride Channel
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