SPoT Life :第十八届德州滑板果酱赛Texas Skate Jam

作者: Ride Channel 发表于: 2014-11-15 评论: 0 查看: 0

第十八届德州滑板果酱赛在南方滑板公园正式开幕,活动希望借助大牌明星的力量募集资金。Baker, Circa, Real和Nike等大牌队伍都贡献出了他们的力量,在街式和碗池果酱赛上大家都浑身解数,最后的大绝招比赛各种不可能的动作都被完成了!

The 18th annual Texas Skate Jam at Southside Skatepark benefitting Make-A-Wish brought some serious star power down to Houston; Baker, Circa, Real and Nike all had their teams in town to shred for a good cause. Raybourn and Vargas chomped tranny in the bowl jam while Auby Taylor, Taylor Kirby, and many others proved the impossible possible during the best trick contests on the street course. SPoT Life was there to bring it to you. Check skateparkoftampa.com for results and info.

来源: Ride Channel
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