太躁-新片Fun While It Lasted滑手Miles Grube个人部分

作者: 发表于: 2014-10-31 评论: 0 查看: 0

滑板新片Fun While It Lasted再度更新,滑手Miles Grube个人部分在线发布,这个哥们儿实在太躁,拖车powerslide,No complies, bonelesses, hippie jumps等等各种复古招混合,楼顶各种乱跳。保持这份躁动,万圣节祝各位玩的开心!

No complies, bonelesses, hippie jumps, skating on roofs, off and on semi trucks—Miles Grube has one of the most creative and fun parts we’ve seen in a while. Stay strange, Portland! Fun While It LastedAvailable now.

来源: TWS
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