MATT MILLER DC签名款战靴完整宣传片发布

作者: DC 发表于: 2014-10-25 评论: 0 查看: 0

Matt Miller就是一名不折不扣的疯狂滑手,这次他的DC签名款战靴完整宣传片绝对让你惊叹不已。超POP的动作,巫师般娴熟的控板技巧轰炸了国内深圳,广州,香港等大家熟悉的地形,看之前请坐好扶稳,免得跪在电脑前了!

Matt Miller is the definition of a true skate rat, and his debut pro model shoe is more than well deserved. Sit back and enjoy the technical wizardry and massive pop in this video part introducing his signature shoe.

来源: DC
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