Foundation《神秘社区》:滑手 Conlan Killeen

作者: Foundation 发表于: 2014-10-18 评论: 0 查看: 0

Foundation滑板的《Secret Society》记录着旗下一群实力强,具有代表性的滑手。这次出场的是 Conlan Killeen,他以做招速度快,风格流畅而闻名。他的正反脚尖翻牢牢的黏住双脚,让他劈台和飞跃障碍都不用担心。

In Conjunction with Foundation and Ultimate Dist., Metro is proud to declassify a few entries from the book of (F)'s Secret Society. Conlan Killeen @genghisconlan definitely got the blood of a true Canadian ripper! With both a rad trick selection and smooth style Conlan's skating is all around good time to watch! Foundation Secret Society is a group of riders representing Foundation Super Co. regionally throughout the USA and internationally. With that the riders also are representing their local skate shop in that region. Both the rider and the shop are chapter members of Foundation Super Co. We are all working together to helping build their local skate scene

来源: Foundation
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