Vans法国队最新滑板片:「Tours de secours」

作者: VANS 发表于: 2014-10-16 评论: 0 查看: 0

Vans法国队伍为我们带来最新的法式风情滑板片「Tours de secours」,从2014年七月份他们便开始了Tour的行程。在安特卫普,阿姆斯特丹,鹿特丹和汉堡等几个欧洲著名的滑板城市进行了14天的拍摄,现在就让我们欣赏下原汁原味的佳作。

They made three pit stops on the way to take advantage of the skating in each city: Antwerp, Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Hambourg. 14 days of pure skate and a great atmosphere between the team resulted in a great trip. Enjoy the results!

来源: Vans
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