上位- Ben Raemers成为Converse CONS职业滑手

作者: 发表于: 2014-10-14 评论: 0 查看: 0

英国滑手Ben Raemers发布了一段个人滑板视频庆祝自己正式成为Converse CONS旗下的职业滑手,通过影片Ben 不仅向大家介绍了自己的生活,还在伦敦一些自己喜爱的滑板地形展示自己的功力,又是一个爱跟弧面和斜面较劲的滑手。

Converse CONS congratulates Ben Raemers on joining the ranks of professional skateboarding. In celebration, Ben gave us a look into his life and took us around some of his favorite old parks and street spots in and around London, England.

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