好型滑手Kyle Frederick最新个人滑板短片

作者: 发表于: 2014-10-11 评论: 0 查看: 0

早在Thrasher滑板杂志的 “Magnified” 和 “Hall of Meat”视频栏目中就有亮眼表现的滑手Kyle Frederick此次带来了最新的个人滑板短片12 o’clock Karl,好久不见这种休闲style的滑手,感觉要火!

There’s been a lot of footage of Kyle Frederick floating around this week in anticipation of his “12 o’clock Karl” part. He was featured in Thrasher’s “Magnified” and “Hall of Meat” clips earlier this week and also got the spotlight in “Kyle Frederick Knows” for Thunder.

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