Volcom-「 The Wild In The Park」活动点燃德州南部滑板公园

作者: TWS 发表于: 2014-08-08 评论: 0 查看: 0

上周日,Volcom的"The Wild In The Park"活动第七站吹到了德州的南部滑板公园。比赛分为10岁以下儿童组,14岁少年组,15-21岁青年组以及AM公开赛。滑板是不能看岁数的,年纪轻轻的滑手做出的招式一样让你大跌眼镜,每一个参赛选手都有出色的表现,各个都玩得汗流浃背,不亦乐乎。

Check out The Wild In The Park tour as it stopped at Southside Skatepark in Houston, Texas. Stop #7 of Volcom Stone’s Wild In The Parks had the masses of the Lone Star State gather under Southside Skatepark’s roof on Sunday August 3, 2014.  The kids in the Heartland brought the heat and put on a show.

来源: Transworld Skateboarding
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