花生头‘Footage Party’视频回顾

作者: 发表于: 2014-05-26 评论: 0 查看: 0

Footage Party 是2013年在加州维斯达拍摄的一部滑板片。整部影片的主要出场滑手有Kurt Hodge, Rowan Zorilla, Pat Burke, Jet Caputo以及”花生头“等等。花生头的真实名字为Ethan Raikoglo,不过几乎人人都叫他花生。就让我们看看”花生头“在这部视频里有什么大作为吧。

ootage Party was filmed in and around Vista, California in 2013. It has full parts from Kurt Hodge, Rowan Zorilla, Pat Burke, Jet Caputo, Peanut, and many more. Peanut Head’s real name is Ethan Raikoglo but pretty much everybody out there knows him by Peanut. Peep his entertaining part then go have a Footage Party of your own.

来源:Transworld Skateboarding

来源: Transworld Skateboarding
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