Almost Famous Ep. 10-Daewon Song回忆录

作者: 发表于: 2014-05-08 评论: 0 查看: 0

为了庆贺 ALMOST十周年纪念,Daewon Song与大家分享他和滑板传奇Rodney Mullen的渊源。年级轻轻的他就得到Rodney的赞赏,这也是他滑板的巨大动力。视频里有许多Daewon Song年轻时的滑板镜头。此外,ALMOST也在视频里宣布前段时间疯狂大绝招比赛片段的获胜者。同时片子里女汉子用铲子打架的片段也是亮点。

Daewon celebrates ALMOST's 10-Year Anniversary by taking us back to the hood with Rodney. We blow the dust off a vintage 15 second manual. We crown a street genius. And some girl takes a shovel to the head.

来源:Ride Channel

来源: Ride Channel
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