Sheckler基金- ‘Skate for a Cause’ 2014 视频发布

作者: 发表于: 2014-05-06 评论: 0 查看: 0

为数众多的赞助商,50位职业滑手和AM滑手,以及超过2000名粉丝出席了上周六Entines举办的Sheckler基金第五届Skate for a Cause活动。当天出席的滑手有Sean Malto, Christian Hosoi, Fabrizio Santos, Greg Lutzka, Ryan DeCenzo, Alex Midler, Chris Joslin, Jamie Tancowny等等。当天总共募集资金$93,000,这笔基金将全部投入“Be the Change”计划,用于帮助受伤的运动员和需要帮助的孩童。

On Saturday, 50 pro and am skateboarders, a dozen sponsors and more than 2,000 fans joined Ryan Sheckler in Lake Forest for the Sheckler Foundation’s Skate for a Cause event, presented by etnies. Skateboarders in attendance included Sean Malto, Christian Hosoi, Fabrizio Santos, Greg Lutzka, Ryan DeCenzo, Alex Midler, Chris Joslin, Jamie Tancowny, and many more. The generous donations from everyone involved totaled $93,000 and will fund future “Be the Change” projects to help injured action sports athletes and children in need.

来源:Transworld Skateboarding

来源: Transworld Skateboarding
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