Sammy Winter "不后悔的一天”导演剪辑版

作者: 发表于: 2014-04-11 评论: 0 查看: 0

Contiki有一个名为"No Regrets Days"的运动。如果让你有不后悔的一天,你会做什么呢?滑手Sammy Winter 选择在时髦和现代化并存的城市——巴黎,于清晨在博物馆开门之前尽情的在里面畅滑一次。无论是拍摄手法,剪辑还是背景乐都十分的唯美。

This is my own version of the video we shot with Sammy Winter for Contiki's "No Regrets Days" campaign last year. The story was that Sammy would have exclusive and special access to skate inside a museum a morning before it opens. We shot it in Paris at the City of Fashion and Design. We wish we would have had more time to shoot more skateboarding action as it was planned, but sometimes, time isn't on your side.


来源: Youtube
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