Vox滑手Marcus Savage田纳西滑板之旅

作者: 发表于: 2014-03-26 评论: 0 查看: 0

本周,Vox Footwear南下来到美国著名的田纳西州。在Comfort滑板店和当地滑手的帮助下,让我们跟随着Vox滑手Marcus Savage的脚步来感受下田纳西的滑板地形,以及当地滑手的滑板技术吧!


This week, Vox Footwear heads out east to catch up with Comfort Skate Shop and local skateboarders around Tennessee. Vox rider Marcus Savage also jumps in on the trip and puts in work at some amazingTennessee skate spots. Next stop...Virginia! Enjoy.

来源:Ride Channel

来源: 中国滑板网
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