Volcom team滑板摇滚之旅

作者: Tanky 发表于: 2014-03-18 评论: 0 查看: 0

 Volcom team这次的旅行可谓非凡,不仅有旗下滑手Axel Cruysberghs, Eniz Fazliov, Daan Van der Linden 和Harry Lintell,居然还带上了Tombstoned乐队。他们本次的Tour去了德国,丹麦,荷兰,比利时,英国,法国以及西班牙的巴斯克。想象一下在尽情滑板的同时,隔壁有乐队为你演奏摇滚乐,可以说做招更飘,更远,根本停不下来啊!

ROAD TESTED skate and rock 'n roll tour with the band, Tombstoned and Volcom riders: Axel Cruysberghs, Eniz Fazliov, Daan Van der Linden and Harry Lintell.
Locations: Denmark, Germany, The Netherlands, Belgium, UK, France, Basque Country


来源: 中国滑板网
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