【滑板文艺】全景滑板影片系列-Phil Zwijsen滑在安卫特普

作者: Philip Evans 发表于: 2014-03-13 评论: 0 查看: 0

摄影师Philip Evans与滑手Phil Zwijsen在安特卫普海港拍摄了最新一期的全景滑板系列影片(Panoramic Series).

Philip Evans仍然使用了高反差风格的镜头,黑白滑板镜头和彩色的风景相互交错,同时整部滑板片还原最真实的音效,你可以清晰地感受到滑板点地的清脆,轮子刷街的躁动,以及飒飒的风声。

Philip Evans本系列影片最特别的便是如其片名所示的超宽画幅,使整部影片如同电影一般。

Philip Evans latest entry in his Panoramic Series, follows Phil Zwijsen around the streets of Antwerp.

As with previous efforts featuring Nick Jensen, Daniel Gronwall and Jan Kliewer, Evan’s use of contrast filters and diegetic sound provide a unique approach to documenting the art of skateboarding. Check it out below.


来源: 中国滑板网
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