加拿大《King Shit》杂志深圳短片#KINGSHITCHINA

作者: 发表于: 2014-03-04 评论: 0 查看: 0

加拿大滑板杂志《King Shit》前段时间来到深圳“过冬”,很快他们的片段就发布了,聚焦了一些加拿大本地的年轻滑手:Chad Dickson, Max Fine, Josh Clark, Cam Shuster, Derek Swaim, Chad Murray, Mark Johnson*, Colin Lambert 和 Nick Moore.
拍摄/剪辑:Ben Stoddard, Dane Collison, Ethan Craig

#KingShitChina was a huge success. Thanks to all the boyzers that made the trek and to all the companies that helped out. For a full print recap grab our latest King Shit Mag in finer skateshops worldwide. Featuring: Chad Dickson, Max Fine, Josh Clark, Cam Shuster, Derek Swaim, Chad Murray, Mark Johnson*, Colin Lambert and Nick Moore. Video By: Ben Stoddard, Dane Collison and Ethan Craig

来源: 中国滑板网
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