
作者: Thrasher 发表于: 2014-02-19 评论: 0 查看: 0

帽饰品牌Neff曾组织旗下滑板队伍的Matt Bennett、Dakota Servold、Nick Merlino、JAWS、Silas Baxter-Neal、Leo Romero等队员去到美国西北部地区旅行,大家在沿着海岸线一路前行,直到他们到达了Silas Baxter-Neal的家,之后他们在波特兰找到了当地滑手Mike Davis 和Wills Kimbel带领全体队员领略波特兰的风格和给力的滑板地形,一起来看看Neff队伍给力的西北部之行吧。

The Neff team loaded up the van and headed out for their first adventure in the great Northwest. With Hambone navigating us from the shotgun position we drove up the coast and didn't stop until we arrived at Silas' house. Since Hambone had lost his spot book of the city we linked up with local legends Mike Davis and Willis Kimbel and it was nothing but good vibes, great spots, and surprisingly amazing weather in Portland. The Neff team also hit up Windell's to see if it really was the funnest place on Earth, turns out all rumors are true! Epic times up in the Northwest with the Neff team.


来源: Thrasher
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