Strike and Destroy:Luan Oliveira最新视频

作者: Thrasher 发表于: 2014-02-17 评论: 0 查看: 0

Thrasher最新的Strike and Destroy为我们带来的是Luan Oliveira最新的视频剪辑,Luan高飘的pop和干净的动作一直是大家的最爱,正如巴西人的足球天赋一样,Luan在滑板的时候也在不断展现着他魔法般的控板能力,一起来欣赏这段无论是拍摄剪辑还是滑板技术都无可挑剔的短片。

Like the Brazilian futbol greats that have come before him, Luan possesses the remarkable ability to make magic with his feet. When we say this piece is beautiful, we mean it - exceptional cinematography coupled with the board control of a skateboard wizard. Enjoy!


来源: 中国滑板网
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