《Strange Things Done Under The Midnight Sun》旅行片预告

作者: Sitka 发表于: 2014-01-16 评论: 0 查看: 0

又将有一部唯美的旅行片,《Strange Things Done Under The Midnight Sun》预告片已经放出,美丽的风景和电影般的镜头,Ben Gulliver 和 Dave Ehrenreich两人掌镜。更别提还有滑手Chris Haslam, Sheldon Meleshinski, Brett Stobbart, Colin Nogue, Zach Barton, Fabian Merino,Dane Pryds这些名字……这是一部记得期待的影片

Sitka just released a teaser for their latest video Strange Things Done Under The Midnight Sun.

The video follows Chris Haslam, Sheldon Meleshinski, Brett Stobbart, Colin Nogue, Zach Barton, Fabian Merino and Dane Pryds, as they embark on a skate trip into uncharted territory, namely Alaska.
As always, Sitka favourites Ben Gulliver and Dave Ehrenreich are behind the lens, so we can only expect great things.


来源: 中国滑板网
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