滑板慈善:第17届Johnny Romano圆梦果酱赛视频发布

作者: Ride Channel 发表于: 2013-11-18 评论: 0 查看: 0

近日Johnny Romano Make a Wish Jam在Tampa滑板场举办。2008年,年仅10岁的天才滑板少年Johnny Romano被癌症夺去了生命, 在为他惋惜的同时,滑手们也在想发设法帮助其他生命垂危的孩子们,于是就有了“Make a Wish Jam”,通过举办滑板比赛,邀请职业滑手进行表演来募集善款帮助生命垂危的孩子们实现他们的愿望,而本次活动的全部所得也是捐给了“国际许愿基金会”( The Make A Wish Foundation.)这次比赛邀请到了众多大牌滑手,包括Jamie Thomas,Nyjah Huston, Chris Cole, Wes Kremer, Raney Beres, Madars Apse,Alex Milder,Justin Brock,T-Funk等人,同时也吸引到了众多滑手参与。

Johnny Romano

The 17th Annual Johnny Romano Make a Wish Jam was a hit yet again. This year there was some ripping skating for charity by Nyjah Huston, Chris Cole, Wes Kremer, Raney Beres, Madars Apse, and many more. 100% of funds raised through this event are donated to The Make A Wish Foundation.


来源: Ride Channel
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