Ryan Gallant和Joey Pepper畅滑佛罗里达

作者: Ride Channel 发表于: 2013-11-12 评论: 0 查看: 0

Ryan Gallant和Joey Pepper到佛州Tampa板场作为嘉宾参加一个全年龄段滑板比赛,之后是一个全湾区的滑板畅游。
Ryan Gallant和Joey Pepper都是Expedition-One别具风格的职业滑手,再加上佛州的阳光和蓝天,真是舒服绝伦的滑板享受。


Ryan Gallant and Joey Pepper joined the SPoT crew for an eventful weekend in Tampa FL where they hosted an all ages contest and skated all around the bay area.

来源: Ride Channel
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