Sheckler Sessions第四集:纽约

作者: Redbull 发表于: 2013-10-07 评论: 0 查看: 0

      在这一集中,Ryan, Bobby 和 Zered 一起到纽约跟 Torey Pudwillhe1Manny Santiago一起参加Street League。
      他们在纽约不但在在 LES 滑板场与Ron Deily一起滑板,还在等雨的时候顺便纹了个身……

Ryan, Bobby and Zered head to NYC to skate with Torey Pudwill and Manny Santiago on the Street League course. While waiting for the rain to stop, the guys take a break to get tattoos. Finally the sun comes out and the guys meet up with Ron Deily to hit up the LES skatepark and some sick street spots.


来源: TWS
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