滑板的时尚韵律 New York La La La

作者: Nowness 发表于: 2013-09-25 评论: 0 查看: 0


艺术家兼摄影师Aaron Rose和导演、法国男装杂志《L'Officiel Hommes》的编辑 André Saraiva,联手炮制了今日这部时尚大片——身着Dior Homme、Saint Laurent和Prada的职业滑手Jerry Hsu、Austyn Gillette以及Josh Harmony在人工仿造的纽约城市街道畅游无阻。“Paramount Studios是最佳拍摄地点,”Rose如是评价这部混合了幻想与现实的梦境般电影的取景之处。

        虽然滑板运动通常与快节奏音乐搭配,但选择这次的背景音乐之前,导演们却将风格定为性感、迷人,甚至会有点难过的意味,于是二人便使用了来自英国乐队 Duran Duran的《The Chauffeur》一曲。片中滑板运动者们于街头正面迎来身着蕾丝内衣的几位曼妙女郎,而在比利时美女Anouck Lepere的领衔之下,整个慢动作场景以别样风情巧妙呼应了乐队这曲在80年代的音乐视频。

        “对电影的创想一开始是由Rose提出的,”面对好搭档、纽约Alleged画廊的创始人之一Rose,Saraiva解释到。二人也表示,电影背后的感 觉是当在跳跃、翻转和翻越每一障碍之时,整个城市成为人们的游乐场,忧虑也随之消逝。“作为始作俑者,我们有着相似的进化过程,因此在一起工作是最自然不 过的事了。”Rose如此评价他久居巴黎的多才合作者,“我们拍摄两种不同的元素,即这部影片以及时尚大片。André应该负责拍照,然后突然之间,他或 许会交给我照相机让我去拍。我们的合作就如奇妙又具创意的乒乓球游戏一般。”滑板以这样的形象与时装进行结合,确实让人耳目一新。




“Paramount Studios is fantastical by nature,” says artist and filmmaker Aaron Rose of the faux New York City streets and sun-baked Los Angeles location of today’s cinematic fashion short. Sweeping through the vacant lot, Rose and his co-director, L’Officiel Hommes editor André Saraiva shot a dreamlike portrait of professional skateboarders Jerry Hsu, Austyn Gillette, and Josh Harmony, besuited in Dior Homme, Saint Laurent, and Prada. Set to the epic pop of Duran Duran’s “The Chauffeur,” the slow-motion skaters are confronted by a trio of models in lace lingerie led by Belgian beauty Anouck Lepere, in a touch that echoes the band’s 1980s videos. “It is his bicoastal perspective which started the idea for the film,” explains Saraiva of Rose’s past as founder of downtown New York institution Alleged Gallery, that is juxtaposed with his recent experience as a West Coast-dwelling artist. “We share a similar evolutionary process as creators, so it was natural to work together,” says Rose of his multidisciplinary Paris-based collaborator. “We were shooting two elements simultaneously, this film and a photo editorial. Andre would be shooting photos, then all of a sudden, he would hand me the stills camera. It was a wonderfully creative ping-pong volley.”


来源: http://cn.nowness.com/
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