Santa Cruz滑板队伍夏威夷滑板之旅 Part.1

作者: QINGER 发表于: 2013-09-05 评论: 0 查看: 0

       板面品牌Santa Cruz今年迎来了自己成立40周年,本次Santa Cruz的小伙子们来到了度假胜地夏威夷,不过他们可没有时间看比基尼美女,玩遍夏威夷的滑板场地才是首要目的!

The Santa Cruz team visits beautiful Hawaii. In Part 1, the crew handles some heavy Hawaiian transitions, visits Cholo's bowl and rock jump into the pacific blue. Featuring Shuriken, Strubing, Salba, Dressen, Eman, Sid and even Mr. Hand tagged along.

来源: Thrashermagazine
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