Amrani 个人视频《Marrakesh Express》发布

作者: 发表于: 2013-08-10 评论: 0 查看: 0


     滑手Youness Amrani全新个人视频《Marrakesh Express》正式发布,相信很多朋友们都期待已久!影片拍摄于Amrani的家乡摩洛哥和北非,所以Amrani显得异常开心,虽然现在在欧洲生活,但是Amrani还是会经常回家乡待上一段时间,话不多说,一起进入Amrani的时间吧!




Theres no place like home. And as the world continues to grow more globalized and culturally cross-pollinated, many of us are increasingly blessed with primary, secondary, and tertiary homes as a result of our globetrotting upbringings and divided heritages.


来源: transworld
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